Hearth of Britannia Logo

Lifeblood of the Hearth


by Slashing Dragon

Knowledge of the land - Contest

  How well do you know Britannia? You party has been teleported by a Magic Storm and now they need your knowledge to survive!

Wednesday, All Day


Slashing Dragon arcade - Play classic DND recreation, DNDX and more!

  Play some Ultima-inspired games developed by Slashing Dragon! The recreation of Richard Garriott's DND1, the DNDX remake, the in-dev Morgaelin Ultima VIII demake, the procedural generated 3D dungeons of Stygian Abyss and more!.

Wednesday, All Day


Quest of the Avatar - Stygian Abyss

  Form a party and explore the Stygian Abyss, battling its fierce inhabitants and solving ancient riddles through 8 levels of action. Can you find the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom and become the Avatar?

Wednesday, 19:00 - 21:00


Knowledge of the land - Contest

  How well do you know Britannia? You party has been teleported by a Magic Storm and now they need your knowledge to survive!

Thursday, All Day


Slashing Dragon arcade - Play classic DND recreation, DNDX and more!

  Play some Ultima-inspired games developed by Slashing Dragon! The recreation of Richard Garriott's DND1, the DNDX remake, the in-dev Morgaelin Ultima VIII demake, the procedural generated 3D dungeons of Stygian Abyss and more!.

Thursday, All Day


Quest of Love: Dungeons Despise and Wrong (EXODUS)

  Form a party and explore the dungeons Despise and Wrong, battling its fierce inhabitants and solving ancient riddles. Can you find the Yellow and Green stones?

Thursday, 08:00 - 10:00


Quest of the Avatar - Stygian Abyss

  Form a party and explore the Stygian Abyss, battling its fierce inhabitants and solving ancient riddles through 8 levels of action. Can you find the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom and become the Avatar?

Thursday, 19:00 - 21:00


Knowledge of the land - Contest

  How well do you know Britannia? You party has been teleported by a Magic Storm and now they need your knowledge to survive!

Friday, All Day


Slashing Dragon arcade - Play classic DND recreation, DNDX and more!

  Play some Ultima-inspired games developed by Slashing Dragon! The recreation of Richard Garriott's DND1, the DNDX remake, the in-dev Morgaelin Ultima VIII demake, the procedural generated 3D dungeons of Stygian Abyss and more!.

Friday, All Day


Quest of Courage: Dungeons Destard and Covetous (EXODUS)

  Form a party and explore the dungeons Destard and Covetous, battling its fierce inhabitants and solving ancient riddles. Can you find the Red and Orange stones?

Friday, 08:00 - 10:00


Your knowledge of the land shall be great!

  How well do you know Britannia? You party has been teleported by a Magic Storm and now they need your knowledge to survive!

Saturday, All Day


Slashing Dragon arcade - Play classic DND recreation, DNDX and more!

  Play some Ultima-inspired games developed by Slashing Dragon! The recreation of Richard Garriott's DND1, the DNDX remake, the in-dev Morgaelin Ultima VIII demake, the procedural generated 3D dungeons of Stygian Abyss and more!.

Saturday, All Day


Quest of Truth: Dungeons Deceit and Shame (EXODUS)

  Form a party and explore the dungeons Deceit and Shame, battling its fierce inhabitants and solving ancient riddles. Can you find the Blue and Purple stones?

Saturday, 08:00 - 10:00


Quest of Immortality - Mondain's Tower (EXODUS)

  Form a party and explore Mondain's Tower, battling its fierce inhabitants and solving ancient riddles. Can you find the Gem of Immortality?

Sunday, 10:30 - 12:00


All Quests/Activities subject to change

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"Welcome, O Seeker!"

"At last thou hast come to fulfill thy destiny," the gypsy says. She smiles, as if in great relief.
"Firstly, I needs must ask," the gypsy slides a parchment and quill toward thee...

"By what name shalt thou be called in Britannia?"